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Prostate Frequently Asked Questions

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Our team truly believes that EARLY ACTION is BEST ACTION and that the more you understand about your prostate, the more control you can have of it. This is why we started to gather as many information about prostate before/after enlargement, how to maintain a healthy prostate, which prostate pill will help the most, and many other resources. We have taken time to save you yours with these common and frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions About My Prostate

Obviously, you don’t think much about your prostate while growing up. It just one day becomes the topic of concern for men. At that point, you’re spending hours online researching as much information about prostate, prostate enlargement, and prostate pills as possible. This can be very frustrating. We thought it might be helpful to pull together some information and put it here for you.

What is the size of my prostate?

Men’s prostate gland starts out the size of a pea in newborns and becomes the size and shape of a walnut at maturity. It slowly grows as teens go through puberty. At the age of 40+, the prostate gland will continue to grow again and could become the size of a grapefruit. Ultimately, the size is largely affected by the level of testosterone, a male’s sex hormone.

Where is my prostate located?

Men’s prostate gland is located in below the bladder, above the base of the penis. It is the layer surrounding the ‘pee tube’ passing from the bladder.

What is the function of my prostate?

The prostate gland is the sex organ that helps nourish men’s sperm and aid fertility.

Prostate Enlargement & Problems

How common is prostate enlargement?

There’s about 1 in every 9 men who will be diagnosed with prostate enlargement. In addition, there are 6 cases in every 10 diagnosed are men of 65 years or older. The average age is 66 years old.

What is the biggest risk of getting prostate enlargement?

The risk is simply higher just when you get older.

Does prostate enlargement means I have prostate enlargement?

Yes and no. Prostate enlargement us normally associated with aging of men. An enlarged prostate will just lead to discomfort during urination and make it hard for the bladder to completely empty.

Quick fix for problem emptying bladder?

A quick fix for this problem is to not drink too much before going to bed. However, if this is still difficult for you, consider taking ProstaGenix prostate pills. Its natural ingredients will help you to empty your bladder tank each time you pee.

What are symptoms and signs of prostate enlargement?

At first, prostate enlargement does not cause symptoms but when it starts to grow, it will cause problems with urination. You will likely wake up more often at night to go pee, pee with pain and burning sensation, have blood in urine or semen, and pain in back/hip/pelvis or ejaculation.

What are some other signs you can tell if you have prostate enlargement?

  • Burning or pain during urination.
  • Difficulty urinating, or trouble starting and stopping while urinating.
  • More frequent urges to urinate at night.
  • Loss of bladder control.
  • Decreased flow or velocity of the urine stream.
  • Blood in urine (hematuria)

Should I check with my doctor?

Yes. For any concerns with your prostate, please consult with your GP or urologist for final diagnosis. They will generally inspect the size of your prostate but insert a gloved finger up your anus. In addition, they may ask to run a blood test.

Why does my doctor want to do a blood test?

Doctors will try to measure the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in your bloodstream. Although it’s normal to have a small amount of PSA in your blood, it’s high levels could present a lot of prostate problems that could eventually lead to prostate enlargement.

What can you do if you have prostate problems?

We searched the huge prostate pills market and checked through the many customer reviews to make sure which product is best for you. We concluded that ProstaGenix is the best prostate pill in the market today. They have tons of feedback and positive reviews from customers who have used them over and over. Here is where you can learn more and buy ProstaGenix.

*if you find yourself worried about your prostate problems, please consult with your doctor to make sure whether you have it or not.

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