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ProstaGenix Prostate Supplement Has Natural Ingredients

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If you’re wondering why Prostagenix is right for you, this article will help you decide. ProstaGenix prostate supplement has all natural ingredients that was hand selected by well-known natural health experts and researchers. It is centered around the powerful plant sterol – Beta-sitosterol. This ingredient has been shown in numerous clinical studies from around the world to be the most effective natural compound for helping prostate issues.  Beta-sitosterol is a natural sterol that is found in all vegetables! So our parents were right when they told us to eat our vegetables!

ProstaGenix Prostate Supplement

pomegranate seeds in ProstaGenix Prostate SupplementLet’s go over the key ingredients found in our ProstaGenix prostate supplement and the details behind the ingredients. We want you to get a better understanding of what you’re essentially putting into your body. While it’s important to improve your prostate problems, you should be able to see what the formula contains. ProstaGenix is definitely a NATURAL solution for your prostate problems and needs.

Natural Ingredients


An all natural plant sterol that is used to reduce the size and swelling of the male prostate.  It is also used to combat heart disease and high cholesterol.  This ingredient is the centerpiece of the Prostagenix formula. In fact, the label boasts “over 1,000 mg’s of sterols” are in each serving.  The company uses an extremely high potency proprietary extract that no other company has. It’s called BetaRexin and it’s what enables them to have such a high level of pure Beta-sitosterol in each serving.


Great excitement surrounds the use of grape seed extract as a prostate supplement because of a high profile study that shows grape seed extract kills the dangerous prostate cells.  The study was done at the University of Maryland. It may also have positive effects on your prostate gland through its association with prostate health. However, this largely due to research that connects it to the protection against the dangerous prostate cells, not prostate enlargement.


Through research, Pomegranate extracts have been found to not only slow the procreation of dangerous prostate cells but also to encourage prostate cells to destroy themselves (apoptosis). Ellagitannins, which are found in Pomegranate, can interfere with the growth of new blood vessels, which are a factor in nourishing prostate tumors.

It stabilizes PSA levels: Men with severe prostate problems who had had surgery or radiation but whose PSA levels had climbed were given 8 ounces of Pomegranate juice daily. While the average PSA level had doubled every 15 months before drinking Pomegranate juice, it was taking 54 months by the end of the study.


This is a flavonoid found in many foods, especially in red grapes, apples, red wine, and onions. For well over a decade Quercetin has been recognized as a potent antioxidant that has great results for men with prostate issues. When it is combined with green tea extract and pomegranate extract as it is in this formula it has a synergistic effect on the whole combination working better than individually. Another great ingredient.


The prostate gland contains the highest concentration of zinc in the body and clinical evidence indicates that prostate’s with dangerous cells are low in zinc – so the theory is that low zinc levels lead to serious prostate problems. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and low levels of selenium also seem to be an indicator that the prostate contains dangerous cells.  This study is one of the reasons all top prostate supplements have selenium.

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