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Common Questions and Answers on TestroDrene

Q: Is TestroDrene safe? Can I take it with other medications?

There are no known side effects to TestroDrene, and it’s totally safe to take with your prescriptions. It’s made from a combination of all-natural medicinal ingredients that are generally regarded as safe. However, I advise you to check with your physician before taking this or any other supplement, just to make sure you’re healthy enough for vigorous sexual activity.

Q: How can it help my heart?

Increasing testosterone levels can strengthen your heart muscle, open arteries, reduce high cholesterol levels, and improve blood flow to the heart. It improves every cardiac risk factor.

Q: What are the ingredients in TestroDrene that make it work so well?

Let me tell you about the two key compounds in TestroDrene that make it so revolutionary. And remember, we use the highest-grade strength available of the compounds in our formula. Everything is tested and verified in laboratories... this is one of the key reasons why our formula's work so well and why we are a different kind of supplement company. Because we use the exact same dosages used in the clinical trials... there is no watering down ingredients to save a few bucks.

Key ingredient #1 is D-Aspartic Acid

It's called D-Aspartic Acid—and it's so powerful and so quick at boosting your body's natural testosterone levels, it's going to change the way men will boost low testosterone levels forever because it is safe, natural and it really works.

D-Aspartic Acid (DAA for short) is an amazing amino acid that works in the central region of your brain to release luteinizing hormone (LH). Luteinizing hormone is the hormone that produces testosterone when it binds to special cells found in your testes.

How important is luteinizing hormone for testosterone boosting?
Well, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health report depletion of luteinizing hormone causes cells in your testes to shrink and stop secreting testosterone within one to two weeks. This is another reason why so many men over age 50 suffer from low testosterone.

The great news is, a landmark clinical study conducted on 43 men proves DAA not only boosts testosterone but luteinizing hormone too—and fast! In this study, published in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, men in the study were given 3,000 mg of DAA a day for 12 days.

The results? Remarkable!
At the end of the study, 87% of the men taking DAA saw their levels of luteinizing hormone rise an average of 33%. More importantly, on average, their levels of testosterone rose a whopping 42%!

Think of it like the transformation Sylvester Stallone went through in Rocky with all his grueling workouts . . . but you don't have to do any of the training or drink any raw eggs!

No wonder researchers who conducted the study concluded, "D-Aspartic Acid treatment enhances the release of luteinizing hormone and testosterone.”

Also in the study published in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, researchers discovered that DAA helps pump up your testosterone. And when you consider men lose 2% of testosterone a year, a 42% increase is like wiping away years of male aging—in just 12 days!

But there's even more. The deciding advantage of DAA is that the testosterone is produced by your own body — not delivered from the outside — which means safer, all-natural testosterone boosting for you. Even better, each serving of TestroDrene includes 3,000 mg of D-Aspartic Acid, so you get the exact same dosage used in this clinical trial. No other formula has this, and no other formula can produce the results you will get with TestroDrene.

Key Ingredient #2 L-Citrulline

As you get older, not only do we get prostate problems, but as I'm sure you already know, as I also discovered, . . . our “romantic” ability gets wiped out worse than my old buddies Paul Newman, and Robert Redford did at the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

So many of you have written to us over the last few years mentioning how great it would be to improve your “romantic” ability without having to take the little blue pill.

So, not only does TestroDrene hit a 500-foot home run for testosterone production, but it also improves your sexual health because of this incredible ingredient and the dosage level we were able to get into the formula.

TestroDrene boosts your testosterone and activates the sexual centers of your brain so you get harder and fast . . . but that's not all. It also includes a second key ingredient: nature's new "hardness" secret, L-Citrulline. This remarkable amino acid improves your erection power like nothing I've ever seen . . . and it starts with a Nobel Prize-winning secret.

Back in 1998, three scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering that nitric oxide is a key signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. In simple terms, nitric oxide helps dilate your arteries and keep blood flowing smoothly.

This is important because as men age there's decreased blood flow in the genital area—and this can mean softer erections.

When you have an erection, blood flow is directed to the sponge-like tissue which runs the length of your manhood. As this tissue fills with blood, it expands, traps the blood and makes you fully erect. Here's the key: The engorgement of this tissue is triggered by nitric oxide. More nitric oxide swells the tissues of your “manhood” so you get bigger and firmer erections.

This is why Johns Hopkins doctors report that nitric oxide is the chemical messenger that produces erections . . . and without nitric oxide, there could be no natural erections!

Sounds easy enough, right? Increase nitric oxide and get harder. But most men are missing the boat on increasing nitric oxide, and that is why our formula is completely different.

It'd be great if you could just take nitric oxide and improve erections. But that's not possible. Some men are taking another amino acid, L-Arginine, to produce more nitric oxide.

L-Arginine does produce more nitric oxide, but new research shows it's not easily metabolized by your body, which means less nitric oxide output. It just trickles out in small amounts, while our formula is like opening the floodgates because of how it is formulated.

A better, more effective way to increase nitric oxide (and get harder) is by taking L-Citrulline. It's a precursor to L-Arginine. This means it helps to make L-Arginine, but in a way that's better metabolized to produce a higher output of sustained nitric oxide. It's a stronger and more powerful release . . . I like to describe it as . . . like opening up a fire hydrant.

And the experts agree. The British Journal of Pharmacology notes that L-Citrulline increases L-Arginine in the body better than supplementing with L-Arginine itself. And Molecular Genetic and Metabolism adds that L-Citrulline is a far more effective nitric oxide booster than Arginine.

Even better...

Here's the clinical proof L-Citrulline gets you harder – and fast too.

In an eye-opening 2011 study reported in Urology, 64 men with erection concerns (average age 59) received a placebo for one month, then 1,500 mg of L-Citrulline a day for another month.

At the end of two months, their erection hardness, number of intercourses per month, treatment satisfaction, and possible adverse effects were documented.

The results were amazing.

After one month, 8.3% of the men taking the placebo had harder erections. But 53% of the men taking L-Citrulline got harder. That means they were 6 times more likely to have stronger, harder erections! Not only that, but men taking L-Citrulline increased the number of times they had intercourse by over 50%.

And there was a 100% success rate of safety for men taking L-Citrulline! Harder erections, more “activity”, and safety too . . . sounds pretty good to me.

There are other ingredients in the formula, but these are the two key ingredients that are responsible for the amazing results men are experiencing. I don't want to make this email too long, so I will be getting you additional information on the formula and other ingredients in another email before we release TestroDrene.

Q: Why do I need a natural testosterone booster? Aren’t the prescription medications like AndroGel and Ariron better?

Absolutely not! AndroGel and Axiron, and Aveed and other prescription medications that increase testosterone have received an unprecedented level of warnings and cautions from the FDA. Basically, they can be extremely dangerous! Big risks with their use!

TestroDrene, however, is completely safe, all natural and incredibly effective. It is truly a breakthrough development in the world of men’s health and fitness and has set a new standard for the best strategy to increase testosterone safely, effectively and intelligently.

You need a natural testosterone booster for a wide variety of health reasons if you are over age 45. You simply take the TestroDrene yellow capsules with breakfast in the morning, and in less than two weeks, you’ll feel your strength, power, masculinity, energy, and memory come roaring back and your libido will shift into OVERDRIVE. And that’s just the immediate impact. By freeing up the testosterone in your body like that of a younger man, it creates numerous health benefits, not the least of which is the improvement to your prostate health and creating an important “insurance policy” for your prostate for down the road!

Q: How is TestoDrene different from testosterone supplements on the market?

To my knowledge, TestroDrene is the only oral supplement to contain the exact dosage levels proven effective in published clinical studies. Like with Prostagenix, we get the most potent source of the proven compound in the world, (this time our research had us in Italy while ProstaGenix took us to France) and coupled it with transporters to make sure it hits the target and delivers the same predictable results as the clinical studies. It is a great formula for success.

With most commercial testosterone supplements — the kind you see on TV advertised by Bo Jackson or Frank Thomas promoting them. They are little more than marketing gimmicks with a “fig leaf” of clinical evidence to back up their claims. The ones that do contain some of the same key ingredients we use are in such small amounts, and of such low quality, they couldn’t increase the testosterone levels of laboratory rat – let alone a 55-year-old 220-pound man. Most of these pills are simply loaded with worthless herbal powders and large amounts of caffeine or stimulants such as Taurine (which have NO effect on your testosterone), but which often leave you feeling jittery, only to be quickly followed by a hard crash.

TestroDrene is designed for one thing only: to release the testosterone reserves in your body naturally so you can regain the lost power, strength and sexual & prostate health you lost due to age. It makes it possible for you to literally “turn back the clock” and start performing at peak health across the board, at this time in life when you need it most!

Q: How long does it take to work?

Since it’s in the same doses as the famous clinical study, you can experience the exact same results as the men in the study. Great results were documented at the 12-day mark. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg, because the longer you take it, the more profound the benefits.

Most of the “beta testers” reported feeling results within 8 -14 days. Time may vary depending on your metabolism, age, and starting testosterone levels. But take my word for’s as close to a “walk back in time to how you felt DECADES ago” as you can get! I call it my own personal Testosterone Time Machine!

Q: How long do I have to take it?

When you get your bottles, you will notice that it contains a 21-day supply. You take TestroDrene for 21 days, and then you stop. You do not take it more than 21-days in a row as it is extremely powerful. The formula has been designed for you to “cycle” TestroDrene in 21-Day periods followed by two weeks off. It’s called “cycling” ... take it for three weeks then off two weeks, then take it for three weeks then off for two weeks, etc. It works like a charm.

100% Iron Clad Money-Back Guarantee 90 day money-back guarantee

You are fully protected by ProstaGenix's iron clad money-back guarantee. If there isn't a decrease in nightly urinations and no overall improvement in prostate health during the next 90 days, just let us know and we will send you a prompt 100% refund. No questions asked.

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