No one thought it could happen in America? Prostate trouble skyrocketing in the last 37 years where 8 out of 10 men now face prostate problems. What is the real reason behind this surge? Why did prostate problems only affect 4 out of 10 men in the 50's, 60's and 70's? What is causing this and can it be stopped?
Prostate disease is now the number two killer of men in America.
No one thought it could happen to men in America.
A few crooked doctors, big pharma and the cooperation of some government bureaucrats that lead to an explosion of prostate problems by tricking the American public.
Coupled with a common food - consumers by millions of men every day, that silently attacks your prostate, crippling your ability to urinate properly, forcing you to constantly have to go, while slowly destroying your manhood from the inside out, slowly robbing you of your prostate health.
Governments are finally admitting that this prostate infection is real. Whistleblowers have come forward. Plans have been proposed in Los Angeles and the country of France to try and reverse it.
A situation so dangerous that some doctors are calling it “the prostate pandemic”.
But for many men, it may already be too late.
Dr. Richard Ablin, inventor of the prostate PSA Test, called this scam - The Great Prostate Hoax. He is turning whistleblower and exposing Big Pharma's corruption.
Dr. Richard Ablin, inventor of the prostate PSA Test, called this scam - The Great Prostate Hoax. He is turning whistleblower and exposing Big Pharma's corruption.
My name is David Rudy, I am the medical director of Science and Nutrition at Verified Research Laboratories, and have spent the last 24 months working with a team of doctors and scientists to figure out a way to stop this insidious prostate pandemic that is estimated to already be infecting over 65 million American men...
Perhaps the scariest thing, is that the symptoms come on slowly...
You won’t even realize your increased bathrooms trips, you’re getting up at night to go, your feeling of not emptying your bladder is the result of a simple lie that robs your of prostate health… until it is too late and your prostate balloons up to the point of explosion and you are forced to seek medical attention.
In the next few minutes I’m going to show you a simple test you can do to find out whether you have been exposed, and if so, how to turn the tables before it causes potentially irreversible damage to your prostate.
You are going to learn of the simple tricks and a solution used by men that is now both legal and available in north America since late 2017, and how it is turned the prostate industry upside down.
I am going to expose the government law that ended this scam and ended up stealing the prostate health of millions of men.
I am going to reveal the three simple steps and man can to reverse you bloated prostate.
I am also going to show you why men in France have very high fat diets, they smoke and get very little exercise, and regularly gorge on fancy sweets and sugar-loaded desserts, and yet they have fewer prostate problems than men in America...
Learn how you have been swindled out of your prostate health.
I am also going to show you how a government screw up allowed this to prostate parasite get loose and how it happened and how they are now scrambling to fix it.
WARNING: this information I am about to share with you is controversial because this parasite comes from the most unlikely of sources...
Your Food SupplyIn the next few minutes I am also going to expose the coverup lead by pharmaceutical big shots, crooked doctors and a convicted felon who was pardoned by President Bill Clinton. I am going to name the names of those in this scheme that opened the floodgates to corruption and changed the prostate health of millions of men.
I am going to introduce you to the inventor of the famous prostate PSA Test, Dr. Richard Ablin, who became a major whistleblower and spilled-the-beans on the massive corruption going on in the prostate industry.
In a few minutes you will also hear from legendary host Larry King, and learn of the role he played in busting this scheme wide open, saving tons of men from certain prostate doom.
And how Big Pharma dropped the hammer on Larry and how he fought back big time.
You will hear from America’s top urologist Dr. Dudley Danoff, of Tower Urology Group at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles will reveal why the unraveling of this illicit scheme and dangerous parasite lead to the biggest prostate heath breakthrough he has seen in 40 years.
I am going to expose a trail of corruption so sinister that it will make the average politician seem like an angel.
But it's about time someone pulled back the curtain.That's why I've spent a considerable amount of time and money over the last few months creating this public service video, that they do not want you to see.
So, if you're serious about your prostate health, turn off your cell phone, take a seat, and make sure you watch every word of this presentation.
What you are about to see and hear may shock you. It may make you angry, But it may also save your prostate and might save your life.
Let's get started.
The year was 1976.America was celebrating it 200th anniversary with its massive Bicentennial celebration.
The number of men in America with prostate problems was low - only 11 million. There was no PSA exam for prostate cancer, there were no “adult diapers” for men, there were not 9 different high-priced prostate medications.
No, prostate troubles where just a nuisance that happened to aging men mostly in their late 60s, 70s and especially in men in their 80s and older.
The scam can be traced to an ad placed by Braswell in the June 1976 issue of Playboy magazine of all places.
The June 1976 edition of Playboy magazine hit the newsstand and it seemed like every other issue of the era. There were ads for cigarettes, Joe Namath selling Brut 33, dirty cartoons, and photos of Hef and beautiful women. The June edition revealed Lillian Miller as The Playmate of The Year.
But real story in this issue of Playboy, was a full-page ad buried way in the back, on page 177.
It was a full-page ad for vitamin pill called “Head Start,”... which was supposed to magically grow back your hair. The ad featured the inventor of the pill, Glenn Braswell.
Braswell appeared in the ad and told the story of how he was bald and invented a product that completely grew his hair back. He sold millions of bottles. And it turned out to be a lie.
Here is master conman Glen Braswell's ad for his fake hair growth pill on page 177 of Playboy. This was years before he became the central figure in the great prostate health scam.
He shaved his head, took a photo and claimed it was his “before” photo claiming he used to be bald, and then grew the full head of hair seen in his as because of his Head Start vitamin. He claimed it to be a miracle.
The key ingredient in Braswell’s fake baldness pill was and herb called saw palmetto.
America’s men ate it up. Braswell was making money hand-over-fist.
What does a guy hawking fake baldness pills in Playboy magazine have to do with prostate health?
I’m glad you asked, because little did Braswell know at the time, and as you will soon learn, that he would become the central figure in the prostate crime of the century.
Fast Forward to the late 1980’sThe party came to an end for Braswell. His fake baldness cure company was shut down. He was indicted, charged with fraud and sentenced to three years in federal prison in Ashland, Kentucky.
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His arrest caught the eye of some key prostate industry insiders.
Meanwhile... for the prostate drug companies there was a storm brewing in Europe.
Over in Europe multiple studies had been springing up centered around a natural plant sterol used successfully by European doctors for men with prostate problems.
Word of its effectiveness had been around for years, but few large-scale studies had been published.
But now they were starting—many of them.
At the Hospital Ambroise in Paris Dr. Champault and two of his colleagues carried out a classic double-blind study on 110 men, half of whom received a placebo. They concluded, “Thus, as predicted by pharmacological and biochemical studies, four tablets of these sterols taken daily would appear to be a useful therapeutic tool in the treatment of BPH.”
Doctors at the University of Padova in Italy studied the effect of a special high-potency beta-sitosterol extract on men with BPH. Dr. Tasca and his associates measured urine flow, as well as other parameters in men ranging from ages forty-nine to eighty-one. They compared the sterol results to the effects from the placebo. The men who received beta-sitosterol achieved a much-improved urine flow.
In a similar study also in Italy, Doctor Bassi analyzed forty BPH patients and the effect of a special high-potency sterol extract. He concluded, “The preliminary results demonstrate a significant improvement of the frequency, urgency, dysuria and urinary flow in patients taking the sterol.”
And in university study Germany, seen as one of the most important studies ever done of prostate, Dr. Bereges and his associates, used pure beta-sitosterol sterols with 209 men in his study. The results he said, “Demonstrate significant improvement in symptoms and urinary flow in the treatment of BPH.”
Then it happenedThe one-two-punch that changed everything - the DSHEA Act making it easy to sell dietary supplements and the FDA approval of the PSA screening test was like opening the door to the bank vault.
In 1993 Braswell is out of prison and looking to get back into selling pills. He was approached by a fixer from Big Pharma. They wanted him to start selling prostate pills filled with saw palmetto herbs. They offered him protection from regulators, money to get started, contracts with drugstore chains to carry the pills, and the even offered to pay for the saw palmetto pills.
Braswell was in.
Two big things happened in 1994 – they were timed perfectly by the big pharma boys.
First the PSA Test was now approved to screen for prostate cancer. That was not what it was invented for – but now it was being used as a way to supposedly test and screen for prostate cancer.
The second big event in 1994. President Clinton signed into law the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act known as DHSEA (pronounced DA SHAY). This allowed dietary supplements to be sold without proof of safely or effectiveness. This was a gift to Braswell and crooked big pharma.
They used these two new laws – the PSA cancer test and the DSHEA – destroy the prostate health of millions of men and change the course of prostate treatment in America for over 15 years. Prostate problems skyrocketed.
Braswell met with Saw Palmetto Marlin Huffman the biggest broker of saw palmetto in Florida. Backed by big pharma he entered an agreement to buy all the saw palmetto in Florida he could get in 1994 and they were off to the races.
Huffman’s bills were being paid by Pharma executives on behalf of Braswell. Later in 1995 Huffman would be quoted in the Tampa Tribune calling saw palmetto the “new American Gold Rush” because business was exploding.
The FDA passes DSHEA 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
And who do you think was behind the DSHEA act? You guessed it... Big Pharma. For years Big Pharma has worked to undermine the supplement business with fake studies and fake stories planted in the news.
Full-page ads spring up all over America for PSA testingAggressive ads getting men to get screened for prostate cancer with the new PSA test... all part of Big Pharma's scheme that made billions at the expense of men prostate health.
Braswell’s ads where everywhere. Huge stories where running in newspapers in 1995 due to the boom in saw palmetto sales. A front-page story on the Miami Herald blared, “The Florida Boom of ‘95” - citing pharmaceutical companies buying up the plant which was once a nuisance and using it for prostate health.
And what a gold rush it was. The American public ate it up. Men started buying saw palmetto pills in droves, but these pills were not helping their prostates. In fact, the opposite was happening. They were taking the pills and time was marching on. Their prostate was getting worse and worse and until they were forced to seek medical attention.
And with the new PSA test approved by the Clinton Administration, urologists were now performing over 1 million tests a rear and hundreds of thousands of men were now going in for biopsy’s – and close to a quarter of a million men a year were now getting the TURP operation – and the results were devastating.
Manhood’s where being ripped away. 50% of men getting the operation were becoming impotent. It was a tragedy.
Viagra was released in 1998 and now urologist business really exploded. Men were getting the prostate operation and if it left them impotent – no worries – Viagra would save the day.
Meanwhile over in Europe positive study results on Beta-sitosterol were stacking up like chips in a casino. The evidence that it worked wonders on men with aging prostate issues was insurmountable. Doctors in Europe where now actually prescribing this super compound to men.
Doctor Smit did...
Doctor jones did...
Naturally there was a push to bring it to America. But big pharma was ready. They pulled out their bag of tricks and used all of their political connections with lobbyists to put the import of beta-sitosterol from Europe and specifically France, in a bureaucratic headlock to keep it out of America. They were not going to let some compound from France kill their golden goose.
But they knew they needed to get the beta-sitosterol into America.
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Enter China. The Xani Cheun manufacturing company in Wuhan, China – yes, the same Wuhan, China where the Coronavirus broke out. Wuhan was the center of making knock-off pharmaceutical drugs and shipped natural ingredients to the United States.
You see the pharmaceutical industry has been sabotaging the natural health industry for years. Disinformation is Big Pharma's game. Kind of like how Republicans and Democrats fight, but very few consumers are aware of this manipulation because it does not get much attention – until someone shines a light on it.
The inferior and worthless beta-sitosterol from China came to America and laid a dud. Men taking it were not impressed. They did not see their prostate symptoms improve. Big pharma had won the disinformation game yet again.
For men the choices where grim.
Either get put on prostate medication from their urologist. Get the painful and TURP operation and just hope you were not in the 50% that experienced major side effects or go get some Depends adult diapers and just accept it as part of getting old.
Meanwhile in France and Japan and Italy and may other countries, men were not experiencing massive prostate problems.
The party was about to come to an end. Consumers where screaming FRAUD. After five years of no stop hype and record sales many men where realizing that Braswell’s pills where worthless.
Braswell was subpoenaed to appear before a special senate committee. The hearing was televised.
Braswell was mad. He thought he was to be protected, but it looked like after billions where made and the disinformation campaign was set, he was being hung out to dry and take the hit.
Braswell threatened to spill the beans on the scam if he wasn’t protected.
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Enter president Bill Clinton with a solution. On the last day of his Presidentisy Clinton gave Braswell a full presidential pardon.
When he appeared before the Senate subcommittee. Braswell was smirking. He knew he was protected. He took the Firth and did it almost laughing.
They set up a front company GB Data Systems as in Glen Braswell Data Systems. They formed it up in Canada to give the authorities an extra hurdle to come over and Pharma fat cat say it would give his lobbied more reason to talk the FDA and other government agencies off them... after all, why bother a company in Canada they reasoned.
The FDA approve PSA test and it was signed into law by President Clinton on August 30th, 1994.
Soon thereafter full-page ads started appearing all over the country encouraging men to get this new prostate test done. The numbers exploded. Over 1 million men got the PSA test done in 1995 alone, and the number kept rising.
The pharma boys had created a conveyer belt of new customers and the cash register rang up into the billions. Urologists where now busier than a one-arm paper hanger.
With this one - two combination of the new dietary supplement law passing and the PSA test both being approved in 1994 – they were off to the races and Braswell was lead horse.
Men got the false hope and promise.
Prostate problems were also hitting younger men – and it was because of processed foods. Men were not eating healthy food. The food industry was sliding sugar and sugar substitutes called high-fruitrose corn syrup into soft drinks and sugar into foods -even yogurt was thought of as a health food, but the average cup of Yoplait yogurt actually had more sugar in it than 7 and a half Sugar-Raised Dunkin Donuts! Yes 7.
So, what changed? Are we doomed to the deceptions of the prostate industry forever? No. Big things happened.First Dr. Albin spoke out and wrote a book exposing the prostate hoax.
Then the game changer happened in 2017 when President Trump signed the bill.
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A Stanford researcher Fred Buckley found himself in his early 50s with prostate troubles and nothing worked for him. He didn’t want surgery. As luck would have it his wife of 29 years is French. They were in France on a vacation and he noticed his 84-year-old father in law and all his pals – men in their 70’s and 80’s were not rushing to the men’s room all the time and were sleeping through the night like men in their 30's.
They were taking this European version of Beta-sitosterol from pine trees. They had been doing it for years as part of their culture.
Buckley started taking these pills and it was miraculous – it worked like a charm.
He tried to bring them to America but discovered it was almost impossible. The rules, regulations and cost would have made each bottle cost men in America over $500 a bottle.
He tried to ship to Canada and then truck in from there – no luck.
He tried everything to get it to America and kept hitting roadblocks.
He looked for another solution – then something major happened. Donald Trump was elected president.
Braswell was even running ads with football greats Len Dawson, baseball legend Stan Musial and NASCAR star Richard Petty saying they were using Braswell’s saw palmetto prostate pills. This was a lie and all three sports stars sued Braswell.
In 1988 Tulsa Daily World newspaper reports that prostate trouble affects only 14 million men in America, with most of those being considered very mild.
In 1983 there was no such thing as Depends adult diapers. Most urologists where not busy and many had second jobs. There were not pharmaceutical drugs for prostate health.
In 1994 a landmark new law was passed known as the DSHEA Act – Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. The new law allowed companies to sell dietary supplements without any proof that or analysis of any ingredients. As Utah Senator Orin Hatch said, “The big problem out there is the DSHEA act. The danger is that there is no police force. You get a certificate of analysis for raw ingredients, but if you don’t test it yourself, you have no idea what you are getting.
The passing of the DSHEA act was boon for Braswell. He was now back on the street and looking for a new score. And as luck would have it the pharmaceutical industry was actively looking for a front man to take the lead in a scheme to make millions off the prostate trouble of men.
Braswell fit the bill to a tee.
The prostate industry and the fat cats needed a way to keep the solution away from people. If the reports from France and Europe where true it would hurt the sales of prostate alpha blockers here in America.
Just look how much money the pharmaceutical company makes selling ED pills.
It is widely reported that in Europe the doctors prescribe sterols for men with prostate BPH – the main pill is called HARZOL…. It has never come close to getting approval or being sold in in America.
The big drug company cartel needed a stooge – enter convicted fellow Almon Glenn Braswell.
Braswell was no stranger to the supplement industry. He got convicted and thrown in prison for mail fraud and wire fraud for selling fake baldness cures. Braswell literally shaved his head and took some pictures of his bald head and used that as the Before Photo and then when his hair grew out, he took another photo and said it was because of his miracle hair vitamin called Head Start.
Braswell was now on the street and looking for another score. He was the perfect guy to promote the heck out of Saw Palmetto for the prostate. He got backing from pharmaceutical company big wigs and sold million of bottles of saw palmetto pills touting them a as a prostate miracle. Saw palmetto was suddenly everywhere with a reputation as a fast, easy treatment for a swollen prostate.
Braswell took a European study on Saw Palmetto done by Dr. Breadland and falsified the findings – and he made a killing.
At eight different urological clinics in Europe (Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift v 102, 1990), a collective study on 263 BPH patients was carried out over a two-month period. The patients were given either Tadenan (beta-sitosterol) or a placebo.
This very extensive study concluded, “Treatment with the extract led to a marked clinical improvement. A comparison of the quantitative parameters showed a significant difference between the treated group and the placebo group, with respect to therapeutic response.” Doctors involved in this study concluded that phytosterols is the most promising medical therapy for treating prostate disease.
As the Baby Boomer generation starts to explode the prostate pharmaceutical giants are licking their chops as the cash register is exploding as over 65 million men are in need of prostate mediation and surgical procedure, while men in other countries quietly go about their lives free of the horrors of devastation prostate troubles. But why is this happening? How did I happen? Who let I happen? Where were our leaders?
Soon every drugstore in America was filled with worthless saw palmetto pills.The worthless Saw Palmetto was selling like hotcakes! Sales were booming as Braswell and the copycats who followed his lead, were setting sales records.
Almon Glenn Braswell was getting rich, very rich. The Miami Herald reported he was raking in over $500 million a year. Braswell was living large. Newspapers were calling 1997 “The Year of The Saw Palmetto Plant” – that’s how big it was.
And the pharmaceutical companies were sky high because they knew that Saw Palmetto was getting all the news and attention and that it didn’t work. The pills Braswell and others who soon copied him were selling nothing but false hope... false hope being slipped into every drug store, pharmacy and health food store in America... not only were these saw palmetto pills not helping men, they we actually making them worse.
In reality, a bottle of saw palmetto pills was a one-way ticket to the urologists office for either expensive drugs or going under the knife for prostate surgery. American men didn’t stand a chance.
And to make things even worse, the American diet was starting to change. Aspartame was introduced as a sugar alternative in 1981 in Diet Coke, and that opened the flood gates to sugar substitutes that are bad for your body, particularly bad for…. Your guessed it... your prostate.
More on this in a moment.
Men who got sucked in to the saw palmetto hype, would eventually discover that the pills didn’t work for them, so they had no other choice but to so see their urologist, and by now their problems would be getting worse and worse and the urologist would get them on prescription drugs and do a PSA test to see what other tests and operations they could justify.
For Urologists, business was booming in the late nineties and early two-thousands... they had a conveyer belt or new patients being pumped into their office all because of master snake oil salesman Glen Braswell who was lying through his teeth, under the assurances and protections of a cabal of pharmaceutical fat cats.
The scam had created a conveyer belt of new patients who would prescribe them a drug!
Controversy surrounded the pardon – but Braswell was off the hook and the Pharmaceutical Giants kept their promise and Braswell remained silent.
On January 19, 2001, on his last day in office, President Bill Clinton issued a full presidential pardon to Braswell. The "scamster" was off the hook!
The media went crazy. Prosecutors were raging mad, but Braswell was in the clear and the secret scheme would never come to light... or so they all thought.
The pharmaceutical fat cats had dodged a bullet. Braswell didn’t spill the beans. He kept his mouth shut... and he was to be rewarded.
Things did not end well from Braswell. A died unexpected at one of his Miami Beach mansions on August 1, 2004 at age 63 and in top health, his brother told the Miami Herald he believes he was poisoned. He was worth over $200 million dollars when he mysteriously died... and to this day no one has ever been charged in his death... but the family and insiders have always pointed to and suspected the shadowy figures at the prostate pharmaceutical industry.
There were many theories...
Was it a hit from the prostate pharmaceutical giants, afraid that Braswell was threatening to expose how the prostate industry used him to make billions of dollars in unnecessary surgery and treatments?
Was it a victim of the prostate scam who had his prostate ripped apart due to an unnecessary surgery?
Was it the Chinese Phytosterol Cartel?
They were raking in the money with this fool proof plan.
In the year __________ a French company with the that supplies most of Europe with the powerful form of beta-sitosterol tried to import it into the united states in the early 2002’s they suddenly ran into a road block. They fat cats had sprung into action again – forcing politicians to put tariffs and incredibly difficulty regulations on place so it made it virtually impossible for Beta-sitosterol to come to the United States from France.
Eventually the science on Beta-sitosterol was getting such widespread news that something had to be done. There needed to be a way for men to get Beta-sitosterol... but the fat cats wanted to once again rig the deck and cheat.
And even more devious they helped companies in China import beta-sitosterol into the United States. The Chinese Beta-Sitosterol did not come from pine trees and it certainly did not come from pine trees in France. No, the beta sitosterol that came in from China was from soy and have very little nutritional value. It was of such low quality it barely resembled the beta-sitosterol from France.
Chinese criminal mastermind Lui Hon was executed for a series of crimes including shipping tons of worthless synthetic pharmaceuticals to America misbranded as beta sitosterol.
New York Times award winner investigative journalist Katherine Eban exposed the scams behind drug companies in China shipping cheap and dangerous pills to America in her award-winning book, Bottle of Lies.
In her book she detailed the crooked practices of pharmaceutical companies in China and India, who make over 80% of the generic drugs sold in the United States, and how they are often dangerous and laced with drugs and other substandard ingredients. They also do the same with herbal ingredients, often have back door deals with pharmaceutical giants to deliver worthless and substandard herbs to America that the pharma boys knew would undercut the American consumer belief in national remedies.
A deal was put in place and beta-sitosterol from China would fill the demand that was rising in America.
So America got beta-sitosterol alright, but they got a cheap version that was virtually worthless. It did not work. It was yet another way the game was rigged, and American’s men lost without even knowing.
Things stayed this way for years. Prostate drugs continued to make money hand-over-fist. By 2015 it was estimated that now over 62 million men in America now had prostate problems requiring medication. Urologist has never been busier. Prostate troubles were exploding.
They got cheap manufactures in China to start cranking out and importing beta sitosterol. – but not the pure high-quality beta sitosterol from pine trees that is so effective... but they got it from soy.
They shipped in weak and worthless beta sitosterol, the good stuff from Europe, used in the clinical trials, were banned. Men in America got this worthless beta sitosterol which did not work, and men still had prostate problems. The hope they had for beta-sitosterols went out the window because they were getting garbage from China- not the real ingredient from France.
Big pharma dodged another bullet.
In 2015 and Larry King had plans underway that would soon blow the whistle on big pharma and turn the prostate industry upside down.
Then something big happened. Donald Trump was elected president. The world was shocked.
On January 30, 2017, just ten days after being sworn in, President Trump signed an Executive Order titled: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs the Reducing Regulation Act which stated - that for every new regulation implemented TWO must be rescinded... this slashing of the red tape paved the way for Beta-Sitosterol to come to America from France without delay or hassle.
Little did the President know that by passing that order he paved the way for millions of men to get prostate health.
Because within weeks of the order being signed the first batch was shipped out of the Landes Forest in France and arrived in Los Angeles in August of 2017 and it has been pouring in ever since.
4-part process done in France – nowhere else in the world a unique plant extraction process known as Crystal Pure Technology. It is made up of 4 successive phases.
But Big Prostate Pharma was not done yet – they still had one more trick up their sleeve.
Larry King’s prostate transformation was life changing. He had struggled for two decades with prostate problems. Now he finally got relief. He could sit through. Dodgers baseball game for nine innings without having to go to the men’s room one time. Normally he had to go every two innings.
Larry also saw his friends also see their prostate troubles fall by the wayside. Larry insisted on doing a TV show to get the word out to as many men as possible about this incredible prostate solution.
So, he did a special one-hour show called Prostate Secrets – What Every Man Needs To Know About Prostate Health.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
He sat down and interviewed Buckley, he showed the lab reports, he exposed the fake pills from China, the giant saw palmetto scam. King even invited Buckley’s wife Corinne to sit down and talk about how this discovery affected her life.
Larry’s Prostate Report show became a smash hit.
The show had struck a nerve. It exploded in popularity up the charts and quickly became the number one dietary supplement show in TV history. Calls for ProstaGenix exploded, often times with calls going unanswered so many where flooding in.
Hall of Fame Athletes, Academy Award Winners and men all over America where getting relief from ProstaGenix.
The endorsements and words of praise came pouring in from grateful men all over America.
And more big things where happening. America’s top urologist – Dr. Dudley Danoff, founder of Tower Urology Group at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, announced publicly at a gathering of his Yale Medical School colleagues and urologists, that ProstaGenix was the single most effective prostate product he had ever seen in his 40 year career... and that he was making it a permanent part of the protocol at Tower Urology.
Dr. Dudley Danoff of Tower Urology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center began giving all his patients Prostagenix. This set off alarm bells around the country because Dr. Danoff is America's Number #1 Rated Urologist for over 20 years and Tower Urology is the largest urological practice int he country. Soon other urologist started following Dr. Danoff's lead.
This was huge news. Dr. Danoff is also known as the urologist to the stars because his patients have included such mega stars as Frank Sinatra, Johnny Carson and Ray Charles to name a few, and if Dr. Danoff was going to be givving ProstaGenix to his patients at Tower Urology then it would not be long before urologists all over the country started to follow Dr. Danoff’s lead.
There was tremendous excitement and optimism in the air. Larry King said helping men was like this was probably the finest hour of his 60-year career because the results would live on.
But there was one place the success of Larry King prostate show what not popular... A place where they we upset that Dr. Danoff was suddenly recommend a natural pill... that place... you guessed it... the offices of the big prostate companies selling prostate drugs and prostate procedures.
Their cash cow was taking a hit... a big hit!
The last thing they wanted to see was TV legend Larry King on national TV and saying he had fixed his prostate and you can too.
Soon King found the show being yanked off the air... one network after another.
In a matter of days CNBC stopped running it, Bloomberg TV yanked it. MSN network suddenly said they had a change of heart and pulled it off the air, ...and then the one that was like a knife through the heart... CNN where the show Larry King Live, was a staple for 21 years... they buckled and pulled it too.
The Big Pharma fat cats had gotten to the network brass and they were circling the wagons – King’s prostate show was off the air across the country.
But other networks stood tall and didn’t buckle to the pressure. Fox Business Channel, NewsMax TV, AMC, History Channel and Comcast all agreed to let the King’s prostate secrets show run.
Now there are rumblings that the Silicon Valley media masters who run Google and Facebook and other big Internet platforms might shut it down on the internet too. This presentation you are watching right now could get yanked at any time – just like it was yanked of many of the major networks.
There has been pressure on the Internet too to shut this video down just like they did on TV, but King vows to keep up the fight and get out to as many men as he can. Despite the efforts to take the show, off the air – every time it runs the TV stations still brave enough to show it it continues to smash records.
Here are the three scams I mention earlier that you must watch out for.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
Scam one is what is known as the Free Bottle offer. Ads on the radio and TV offering a free bottle of prostate supplements. The trick here is the company doesn’t tell you they also ship you another bottle 14 days later and whack your credit card $99 for the new bottle, and then they keep sending them until you cancel.
Lycopene and saw palmetto as miracle ingredients. Yup saw palmetto still has a big reputation because of the hype created by Braswell, but the other new “scam ingredient” is Lycopene. It is and ingredient found in tomatoes that is supposed to help your prostate troubles.
It’s a lie. Here is what they don’t tell you.
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First, all of the studies done on Lycopene that show positive results... They were done by the company who owns or is connected the ingredient... but they never tell you that – it’s all rigged, and total fraud … just like saw palmetto.
A major study done at Harvard Medical School that tells you everything you need to know about Lycopene. In this study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Preview in 1996, Harvard doctors found 50% MORE lycopene in actual prostate cancer tissue than in healthy prostates. Again, they found more … MORE lycopene – not less. This would make Lycopene cancer promoting!
And in the biggest study of all on Lycopene, ...published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, they tested the actual blood serum of 25,802 men and they found Lycopene had zero relevance on prostate health. And finally, one other study worth mentioning on Lycopene was done at Oxford University in England on 6,860 men from 8 countries. They compared their blood serum levels and they found there was absolutely no relation with Lycopene and prostate health.
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Lycopene is another prostate scam that many believe also has the pharmaceutical industry behind its promotion. A team of doctors from Ohio State University published a paper saying “The consumption of lycopene supplements is no recommended for prostate cancer prevention or therapy. ...What an understatement that is.
The next scam you have to watch out for is companies that lie about their ingredients. What they say on their label is not in the bottle. The US Attorney for New York actually went after these supplement and file massive lawsuits against the worst offenders.
Cut to US Attorney’s clips. And then the clip from the New York Times.
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As part of our research we have now sent 197 different prostate products from 17 different countries to testing laboratories to show what is really in these pills. So many companies were lying about their ingredients. They claimed to have high amounts of the best ingredients in the pills, but when we tested them at the labs... we found out they were lying. Some didn’t even contain any – not one single milligram of the ingredients they claimed to have.
Top scientists, researchers and experts are now warning men about saw palmetto. Dr. Mark Moyad, considered America’s top expert on dietary supplements. wrote the book: The Supplement Handbook: In the book, Dr. Moyad names saw palmetto as the number one most worthless herb you can take for your prostate.
He cited two separate, major studies - the STEP study – Saw Palmetto for Treatment of Enlarged Prostate and the famous CAMUS trials, which was another double-blind placebo-controlled study. Both studies, which involved over 600 men, showed that after 72 weeks saw palmetto did absolutely nothing for men and did not perform any better than a sugar pill.
Also exposing saw palmetto is noted prostate researcher Roger Mason, PhD. In his best-selling book The Natural Prostate Cure, he calls saw palmetto “biologically useless, a total fraud”.
The roots of the Saw Palmetto Scam can be traced to a university study in Belgium.
The year was 1996. A brilliant Dutch urologist named Johan Braeckman conducted a study on a group of men with prostate troubles. The study was done at the prestigious University of Ziekenhuis in Brussels, Belgium. It was a large study involving 505 men over a period of three months. All of the men in the study group had prostate issues like urgency, frequent urination, weak stream and were making numerous nighttime bathroom trips. Braeckman split them into two groups. Group A, consisted of 305 men. These men took 320 mg of natural Saw Palmetto pills each day. While the other group, Group B which consisted of 200. These men took placebo capsules each day.
Braeckman charted the results. When the final numbers were tabulated they were very impressive. The study showed 88% of the men using the Saw Palmetto capsules considered it effective. These men showed a reduction of prostate symptoms of 51% - 75% during the course of the study. 73% of the men were now sleeping all the way through the night. They cut down on their urgency, they improved their stream and their overall prostate health was virtually transformed in only 90 days. While the men who took the placebo experienced no improvement in their prostate health.
Saw Palmetto was suddenly put on the map.It was hailed as a prostate miracle and sales of Saw Palmetto pills took off like a rocket ship. Saw Palmetto grows in abundance in Florida. After the study made the news the demand for Florida Saw Palmetto exploded.
But here is where the scam, which would destroy millions of men's prostates, was first hatched. Enter A. Glenn Braswell, a convicted felon who was put away in Federal prison for three years in 1983 for selling millions of fake baldness cures, Braswell was back on the street and living in Florida, and he was looking for another big score. Saw Palmetto was to be his next big con.
In the Saw Palmetto groves of northern Florida, Braswell met with farmers and hatched a diabolical scheme that would cheat millions of men and rob them of their prostate health in the process.
You see, what the public didn’t know about the Braeckman study, was the potency of the Saw Palmetto pills used on the men that produced the incredible results was incredibly strong. What Braswell and other shady pill industry executives kept hidden from the American public was, that while Braeckman’s study used 320 milligrams of Saw Palmetto in the pills, they were of nearly a pure concentration of 95% extract.
This means it was 95% STRONGER and more POWERFUL than ordinary Saw Palmetto. Without this super concentration of the sterols in the Saw Palmetto used in the study, the capsules are virtually worthless.
A meeting took place between Braswell and executives from four large pharmaceutical companies at the Holiday Inn hotel in Pensacola, Florida. At the meeting Braswell was made an offer. To advertise and promote saw palmetto pills to the public as a cure or treatment for prostate problems, he was given assurance that his purchases of saw palmetto would be paid for by them, he would not have any problems with government agencies – it would be open season for Braswell to advertise as he pleased and make a fortune.
Braswell took the bait. He was all in. Soon he was flooding the airwaves and newspapers and radio stations around the country with ads for his saw palmetto prostate supplements. Others copied Braswell and by the end of 90's every drug store and health food store in America had saw palmetto pills on their shelves.
Braswell was making an absolute fortune. Over $200 million and this was in the 1990's - imagine how much that would be today. As Braswell entered his second year of heavily promoting this worthless saw palmetto, America started to see a spike and prescription drug use for prostate medication. There was also a sharp increase in the TURP prostate procedure – known as the Roto Rooter surgery because a urologist goes in and scrapes down and cleans out the prostate with a special scapel -like tool, much in the same manner a plumber scrapes out a clogged pipe. Everyone was making money hand-over-first.
The prostate money train worked like this. Men because of their poor diet habits and heavy sugar consumption were experiencing prostate problems at an increased rate. Most, not wanting to go to a urologist for a prostate exam would think they could fix their prostate problems themselves, by taking saw palmetto pills.
Then after wasting precious time taking the worthless saw palmetto pills their prostate problems were getting worse and worse, until one day they would reach a breaking point -and were cornered like a rat with no other option but to go to a doctor to seek help.
They would then be told their prostate problems were so severe they would be immediately put on the pharmaceutical drugs and then have two choices:
Either remain on their prescription drugs, whose number one side effect was loss of sexual function... or two, undergo prostate surgery where 50%. ...yes 50% ...of surgeries result in the patient becoming permanently impotent and not able to get an erection! Their love life would be destroyed forever.
Either option - pills or surgery - the pharmaceutical giants and prostate industry made big money. It was a rigged game that destroyed the lives of millions of men all while pretending to be trying to help them. It was a tragedy.
Twenty years earlier Dr. Richard Ablin had invented the Prostate Specific Antigen test, known as the PSA Test. But he did not invent it to be a test to screen for prostate cancer, rather is was invented to “monitor” those who already had prostate cancer. In 1994 that all changed, as you will soon learn.
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No one knows better that the PSA test was used and abused for profit by the pharmaceutical industry – better than the inventor of the PSA test himself - Dr. Richard Ablin.
Ablin was furious that his invention, that was designed to help men, was suddenly used against them to manipulate millions, literally millions of men to get the painful and life-changing prostate surgery all in the name of “care” when, the surgery was the last thing these men needed. He exposed it all in his book - The Great Prostate Hoax.
As Dr. Ablin said, " This is the shocking story of how the ill use of a prostate cancer test has systematically ruined the lives of millions of American men and robbed our health system of precious resources and the drastic human consequences of manipulating science for financial gain."
This devastating tandem of fake prostate pills and unnecessary procedures and prescription pills reached an all-time high in 2001But there was trouble on the horizon for the crooked Big Pharma boys. Braswell was drawing heat from some do-gooder politicians. Braswell had featured sports stars - baseball legend Stan Musial, star quarterback Lenny Dawson and racing legend Richard Petty in ads for his fake prostate pills without their permission - and they were mad.
The senate responded and on September 10, 2001 - one day before 9/11, Braswell appeared before the Senate via subpoena to face charges of defrauding American seniors with his bogus prostate pills. People were getting wise to his ways.
An advertisement for his prostate product Prostata was placed on a giant easel in the US Senate for all to see. Senator John Breaux started to question Braswell, but he didn’t get too far. Braswell was taking the Fifth. He took The Fifth three times in a row smirking and laughing knowing that they couldn’t touch thanks to his pardon. Senator Breaux abruptly ended the hearing.
The heat was turning up on Braswell. He was looking at going to prison for a second time. He was threatening to spill the beans on how the pharmaceutical fat cats had set him up as part of their scheme to cheat the public. It looked like Braswell was going to cooperate with authorities.
But the pharmaceutical big wigs delivered and incredible solution to not only their problems but Braswell problems, a solution that only connected member of the Washington DC swamp could deliver.
They got him a Presidential pardon from Bill Clinton on his last day in office.
In 1997 a study in the prestigious British medical Journal The Lancet published the finding of a study on plant sterol on men with enlarged prostate issues. This was no ordinary study. It involves 369 men and showed that by taking this simple little pill, that was natural and cost peanuts, men were seeing a 350% improvement in their prostate scores. They were seeing a 52% drop in nighttime bathroom trips and their urgency and strength of stream where all improving.
The compound was a natural beta-sitosterol from pine trees located in France.
Famed prostate researcher PhD chemist Roger Mason called beta-sitosterol a breakthrough compound that would transform the prostate health of men everywhere.
Dr. Mark Moyad, the head of the natural health department at the University of Michigan, and who Prevention Magazine called America’s number one dietary supplement expert called beta-sitosterol The best thing he has ever seen for prostate health.
The pharmaceutical industry tried to keep the study out of the news and where largely successful. They needed to keep saw palmetto on all the shelves to keep their prostate profit pipeline running.
Then just two years later in June 1997, another blockbuster study on beta-sitosterol rocked the scientific community. This one was even more conclusive. The results were considered to be a blockbuster.
The study involved 519 men with serious BPH and the men in this study also showed a dramatic improvement compared to men taking a placebo.
And once again the compound in the study was beta-sitosterol from pine trees in France.
The formula was so successful that men in France and all over Europe where using it for years. And despite the men in France eating a "high-fat" diet full of cheese and steak and eggs and sugary desserts – men in France had a much lower incidence of prostate problems then men in America. How could that be? It was because doctors in Europe where getting men this pill... and it worked liek a charm.
Big Pharma HAD to keep this compound out of America. And that’s just what they did. They cooked up another devious scheme.
Lobbyists of Big Pharma tied up and prevented this one specific form of beta-sitosterol from coming into America, having restrictions for import put in place and tied it up in court.
And they made a deal with manufactures in China to ship in cheap and worthless beta-sitosterol made from sugar... not from the rare French pine trees. So American men would get their beta-sitosterol... but it was cheap and worthless. Big Pharma had rigged the game again and won.
But everything was about to change. Enter Stanford Researcher Fred Buckley.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
A Stanford researcher named Fred Buckley developed prostate problems in his 50’s. He tried all the conventional pills sold at drug stores and GNC and nothing worked for him. He tried bottle after bottle with the same results... he felt like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day.
As luck would have it, Buckley’s wife is French. On a visit to France he noticed his 84-year-old father in law Bernard never seemed to go to the bathroom, and neither did his buddies who where in their 70’s and 80’s. So Buckley asked how they did it and Bernard gave him a bottle of pills that they were all taking. In France it was no big deal, it was as common as putting butter on a potato.
Buckley started taking the pills and he couldn’t believe it- in less than two weeks he was sleeping through the night and not going to the men's room all the time. Buckley took bottles back with him to America and gave a bottle to his friend Vinnie who was in his 70’s and always complaining about getting up at night five and six times to go.
The pills worked for Vinnie too.
When Fred and Vinnie ran out of pills he went to GNC and got a bottle of Beta-sitosterol, but these pills didn’t work for him or Vinnie – their trouble returned. So he had more pills sent from his father-in-law in France, and sure enough, once again the pills from France worked wonders.
But something strange started to happen in Los Angeles. Unbeknown to Buckley, Vinnie was giving some of his pills to some of his other friends.
What Buckley didn't know, was that Vinny was giving out the pills to some of his friends. It was working for them too. Suddenly, Buckley had men he had never even met, showing up at his house asking to buy pills from him. So he would get more pills from Bernard in France and give them to these guys. Men were buying 5 to 10 bottles at a time from Buckley - men he didn't even know - it was gettign crazy.
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Then one day a few weeks later he got a call from a Hollywood manager saying that Larry King wanted some of the prostate pills. Excited to hear from Larry King, Buckley personally drove to Larry's house, where Larry personally opened the door. Buckley gave him two bottles.
A month later Larry called Buckley and said it was an absolute miracle what had happened to him and wanted to get more bottles. And before Fred knew it more of Larry's famous friends were also called trying to get pills too - and these guys were superstar celebrities with all the connections in the world and they were calling Fred for prostate pills. He felt like some sort of illegal drug dealer with strangers showing up at his house and calling him on his phone.
Things were getting so crazy Buckley even had pill manufacturing companies calling him begging him to create a prostate formula for them, and get into business with them - things were going wild - strangers showing up at his house, calling him out of the blue, everyone wanted these pills.
Buckley decided he was going to bring the pills to America and start selling them. But he was soon to run in to a problem. He contacted the company in France that made this incredible version of Beta-sitosterol. They told Buckley they had tried for many years to get the compound into the United Stated but the red tape and cost was far too great. The bottles would cost consumers over $300 a bottle. So never did it.
This was 2016. Buckley continued to buy small bottles from his father-in-law and distribute them to his friends and Larry King. He felt like a drug dealer sneaking them into the country as vitamins - 50 bottles at a time.
But things were about to change due to an unlikely source – new president – Donald Trump.One January 30, 2017, just ten days after he was sworn into office, President Trump signed an executive order slashing red tape and it opened up an opportunity for the beta-sitosterol to come into the United States without a hitch.
Buckley signed an exclusive deal with the French company and in August of 2017 the first massive shipment of this special beta-sitosterol... the exact same source used in the famous clinical studies came to America. The product that was created was called ProstaGenix.
What is it that makes this incredible source of beta-sitosterol better? What is it that is can do for your prostate.
Here is what it does:
Here is how it is able to do this:
Many men who try ProstaGenix for the first time are taken aback by the results. If you have taken a saw palmetto pill or a prostate pill with ingredients from China, you might be a little overwhelmed at first you try ProstaGenix. It may take some adjustments as it his your system very powerfully and surprises many men.
“I tried Keybiotics because I had never had any energy, even though I was getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I was hooked on caffeine and couldn't work without it, then after work I'd crash and was too tired to even go to the gym. After 5 years of this I'd gained a lot of weight and was embarrassed with the way I was living. I took Keybiotics hoping to get my energy back. It's now been 3 months since and I have never felt better! I now only drink coffee on special occasions, and even started jogging 3 miles every day before work because I wake up with so much energy! I've lost 27 pounds so far and my goal is 40. I can't remember the last time I looked and felt this good!”
- Danielle S., Seattle, WA
In June 2012, Scientists at the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre at UCC found that brain levels of Serotonin, the 'happy hormone' that controls your mood, are regulated by the amount of bacteria in the gut.
That means if your gut is clogged up, Serotonin production can slow down. This is why many who suffer from Candida Overgrowth are irritable, moody, and suffer from anxiety and depression.
Says participating Doctor Gerald Clarke:
"Although we always believed that the microbiota was essential for our general health, our results also highlight how important our tiny friends are for our mental wellbeing."
~ Dr. Gerald Clarke, M.D.
Another 2007 study published in Pediatrics is one of my personal favorites. They found that after 4 weeks, breastfed babies whose mothers who consumed a daily Probiotic cried 194 minutes less than the test group that didn't! In 2010 the study was done AGAIN and showed a similar result!
It's no wonder many doctors are now calling Probiotics the most important wellness discovery of our time. Many even say taking a daily Probiotic is more important than vitamins... as it not only puts you a in a better mood... but when your gut is working right, you extract all vitamins naturally from your food, like your body was designed to
Unfortunately, as more people are becoming aware of the effectiveness of Probiotics, many fly-by-night companies have sprouted up, selling low-quality strains that are too weak to show any effect.
At Whole Body Research, we took a different approachOur team of researchers spent 24 months analyzing 297 different Probiotic clinical studies and reports, put together by respected institutes such as Harvard Medical School, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The National Candida Center, The American Society For Microbiology, and many more.
Our goal was to develop the most powerful Probiotic solution ever created. One that would quickly and efficiently destroy the parasitic overgrowth and prevent it from ever coming back.
21 different combinations of Probiotic strains were tested before we found a clear winner, a groundbreaking formula we call...
Keybiotics is a Super Probiotic, containing 14 unique strains of powerful bacteria, and 37 Billion Colony-Forming Units per capsule.
We designed Keybiotics to addresses every issue of gut bacteria, to bring your gut back to perfect balance no matter how out of control it is now.
You may have heard of Keybiotics, as it's already helped literally thousands of people around the world balance their gut microbes and lead happier, healthier lives.
Here's what just a few of other clients had to say about it:
“I had a systemic yeast infection for 3 years and was constantly sick. My doctor told me to change my diet, which I did, but 6 months later I started getting infections again. I was told an acid reflux medication was affecting my digestion and feeding the yeast even more. I decided to try Keybiotics, and have not had an infection in the year since I started. Best of all I no longer feel the need to take the acid reflux medication. I've lost a lot of weight and no longer feel sick all of the time. Thank you for giving me my life back!”
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“I went to 3 different doctors and none of them could figure out why I kept getting sick. A friend suspected I had Candida and recommend Keybiotics to me. I began taking them in October of 2012, and for the first winter in as long as I can remember I didn't get sick once. It's now August of 2013 and I am feeling better than ever. I had tried green drinks, raw food diets and cutting carbs but nothing worked as well as Keybiotics.”
- Jean K., Thousand Oaks, CA