How ProstaGenix Got To America and Became The Top Rated Prostate Pill In History!

I was getting up two and three times a night, starting at age 52. I was in excellent health. Ate pretty good. Got a decent amount of exercise. Was a former athlete – played quarterback at Stanford after the great John Elway. I still weighed 190. No history of prostate trouble in my family. Yet I had to get up every night – it was terrible. Went to a urologist who wanted to put me on drugs – I said no way – I’ll figure this out. It’s true. I didn’t know how – but I thought there has to be a better way than taking some drug for the next 30 years.

I bought prostate supplements at GNC. None worked. I started testing these pills at a lab because I did that in a class at Stanford back in the 1980s – I knew something I learned in college would come in handy someday! The tests showed the pills did not contain what they claimed on the labels. They were LYING BIG TIME. My friend Steve sent the results of my testing to the New York Attorney General and other big shots. The NYAG jumped on this info and tested prostate pills and other pills at GNC, CVS, Walgreens, and Target and discovered what I said was true – 8 out of 10 of the products they tested were lying. A massive consumer scam... The AG makes headlines, and the stores pay millions in fines.

That’s my father-in-law Bernard Arono and my wife Corinne in Cannes, France from 2016. Bernard learned of my prostate problems through a humiliating incident. I was playing golf with him and two other men in Cannes. I had an “accident” – wet my pants on the 15th green. The two guys called me “La Fountain” – made fun of me – two little Pipsqueaks looked like little La Beau from Hogan’s Hero’s. I gave them a good laugh. But Bernard, that night, gave me some pills that changed my life and the prostate health of millions of men. It was incredible.

Incredibly because of my prostate pill testing that led to the massive action by the New York Attorney General and others, I won a national health award. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. But the National Health Federation, America’s old non-profit health freedom group, named me the “Health Hero” of the Year. It’s like winning the Super Bowl MVP in the health industry, they tell me. They pick only one person a year to give this honor to. Some of the other winners were Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (pictured above). President Reagan, Congressman Ron Paul, and Congressman Dan Burton, and many others including, doctors and scientists who made big discoveries. That’s me with my trophy. A great honor. They should have given it to Bernard – you’ll understand why in a minute if you keep reading.

Incredible night. Having dinner with Corinne and suddenly Larry King came up to our table and said – “You’re the prostate pill guy Fred, right?” I was shocked! Larry the Legend came up to us. Turns out my pal Donnie, who I was giving pills to, was also giving them to Larry and some other guys. Donnie never said my last name, but Larry said he saw my picture at Donnie’s house and recognized me. Wow! Larry said the pills changed his life after nothing worked for him in 27 years. He wanted more. He wanted to know everything about the pills. He wanted to do a TV show and tell every man alive about these pills. But I had to tell Larry we couldn’t get the pills into America and that I was getting them shipped in a suitcase from my father-in-law Bernard in France.

Three great guys! That’s a photo of Larry King with my pal Donnie and Elliot Gould. All three were childhood friends from Brooklyn who ended up settling in Beverly Hills.
The first person I gave the pills I was getting from France was my pal, Donnie. He’s about 25 years older than me, and his prostate problem were brutal. Was getting up 7 times a night for years. Had terrible urgency, weak stream – the whole 9 yards – terrible prostate issues – and he is tough as nails – but still had trouble – until the French pills. Unknown to me until the meeting at Dan Tana's was that Donnie was giving pills to Larry ... and then eventually everyone he knew! Haha - Donnie helped a lot of guys by giving out the pills.

In late 2016 I kind of felt like a drug dealer with men coming to my house all the time – men I didn’t even know were showing up asking for the pills. We even caught a private eye going through our trash one night – trying to find out where these pills were coming from. We never found out who hired him. Even two pill manufacturers called me, and one even sent me a contract asking me to formulate the pills for them – literally, they wanted me to make their pills! It was crazy – people coming to our house for pills Bernard was sending over in suitcases via Air France cargo. It was constant. Started out as a package in the mail, then a suitcase on the plane, then two suitcases, then three suitcases … we got up to like five suitcases a month! Thank you, Samsonite.

Larry King put me in touch with his hotshot lawyers to try and help get the pills into America. We learned that Big Pharma lobbyists had used their deep pockets to make importing Beta-sitosterol from France into America incredibly expensive due to all the testing and other bogus regulations they put in place. It would have cost like $500 a bottle to get into America. But cheap and worthless Beta-sitosterol from China was welcomed with open arms. Big Pharma knew it was crap and would not work for men, and they would eventually have to go to a urologist and either take prescription drugs for life or undergo a costly and scary operation that left 50% of the men impotent! Imagine that – 50%! Either way, Big Pharma won, and the men of America lost. Even rich and powerful guys like Larry had no idea how they were being tricked. Man, was Larry upset when he found out that he could have fixed his prostate problem 20 years earlier if he only had these pills like the men in France. He said it wasn’t his fault he was tricked. He had no idea. But we were stuck. Nothing we could do said the legal eagles but keep our little suitcase imports going.
But on January 30, 2017, EVERYTHING CHANGED! A bill known as the “Red Tape Reduction Act” was signed. It was supposed to cut regulations – and in an unexpected fluke, it cut this regulation that was keeping these pills out of America. In May of 2017, the French company called me because I had been calling them all the time, and they told me about the impact of the new rules. I didn’t even know. It was incredible news! And I rolled the dice and made a huge deal to have the exclusive rights to this Beta-sitosterol from the Landes Forest in France for North America!! ProstaGenix was born, and we were off to the races!

Larry insisted we do a TV special on this. He wanted every man alive to know about ProstaGenix. Remember, all the published clinical trials in Europe that showed such incredible results – all used the Beta-sitosterol from the Landes Forest. The one that was helping everyone who took it. Larry gave speeches to men’s groups. He gave away over 25,000 free bottles the last three years before he passed. He was very generous and wasn’t looking for attention, he just wanted to help other men – especially Veterans. He spoke to many Veterans groups.
So we did his TV show. No rehearsal. Larry said he would just interview me. He ended up interviewing Corinne, and he tried to interview Bernard also, but it was too hard with the translation – but at least they had a big laugh together. It was a thrill for Bernard to meet Larry. Larry was huge in France too.
It took us less than two hours to film Larry’s prostate show. Larry just asked a bunch of questions, and that was it. Not fancy at all – just smart questions from Larry.

Larry’s TV special report on ProstaGenix rocketed to be the #1 men's health show of all time. Prostate problems are way bigger than most people realize – but Larry knew. He knew men needed answers and a solution. When we hit number one, Big Pharma had it pulled off some major networks. CNN, Bloomberg. MSNBC and other networks as well. They used their clout. They were scared. The last thing they wanted was the loved and trusted Larry King to let men know they had been lied to and that there was a simple, easy prostate solution they could use. It was their nightmare.
When it got pulled off the air, Larry fought back like young Mike Tyson. He called everyone and battled with them all. It worked. He was able to get it back on some stations, but not all. They were so afraid that the more guys that knew about ProstaGenix, the more they would tell their friends, and it would cost the prostate industry a fortune. I heard Larry yelling at one network president, “You don’t get it, this is going to help millions of men who live like S#@t because of their damn prostate. It’s not about money – don’t screw the men of America like this” … It worked. Larry was very persuasive. The show was seen by millions. It was still not everywhere, but millions of men saw it. ProstaGenix has helped over a million men already – and more men every single day.

Game 3 of the Dodgers vs. Red Sox World Series you may remember went 18 innings. Over 7 hours. Larry was in the front row as usual. On live TV, he did not get up one single time to go to the bathroom. He used to get up every two innings and go. People and even some radio wise-guy announcers were commenting on Larry not getting up one time to go.
But as Larry said, “if sitting there on live TV for over 7 hours at my age and not going to the men’s room one time isn’t proof these ProstaGenix pills are pure magic, then I don’t know what is.”

Dr. Dudley Danoff is the president of Tower Urology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Surgeons. He has been the top urologist in America for over 25 years. He started giving ProstaGenix to his patients and called ProstaGenix “the best product he has seen in 40 years.” He was the urologist for many superstars – past and present. Including Frank Sinatra, Johnny Carson, Ray Charles, Sammy Davis Jr., Gregory Peck, and so many other big names stars and athletes. So many stars that Dr. Danoff is known as the “urologist to the stars.” Think about that - the top urologist in the country has been giving it to his patients for over three years now. Other urologists also give it to their patients, but Dr. Danoff is the biggest, and he was the first to insist that his patients take ProstaGenix.

First, they gave me their Health Hero Award in 2015. Then in 2020, they named ProstaGenix the Men’s Product of the Decade. Not Prostate product of the Decade, but Men’s product – meaning it was the best product of any kind specifically for men that they have seen in the last decade! Amazing.

The famous investigative reporter of Dateline NBC fame, Chris Hansen, did a massive investigation into the world of men’s supplements. He specifically did a segment on prostate pills. He exposed some scams even I didn’t know about in his report.
(I had no idea that he has won 10 – yes, 10 Emmy Awards for his investigations - including a major bust on a crime ring in China making fake Viagra and selling it in America as real Viagra).
The Hansen prostate supplement investigation named ProstaGenix as the number one prostate product in the country! We win again!

Dr. Tod Cooperman is the president and founder of He is a regular on the Dr. Oz television show. Dr. Oz calls the most trusted and respected testing group in the world. ProstaGenix recorded a sensation lab test result in the prostate supplement review. is the number one “supplement testing” organization in America. They have been featured in leading journals and publications for over 20 years. They are the ONLY testing group Dr. Oz allows on his show. Dr. Oz says they are the best and have the best reputation in the industry by far.
Shortly after Larry King sadly passed away in early 2021, released their first prostate test results in five years. So they had never tested ProstaGenix before.
Well, ProstaGenix shocked the entire prostate supplement industry with the test results. We had 852 mg of Beta Sitosterol in each dose! No one has ever seen a score like that - until now.
Larry wanted us to be tested by, but you never know when is going to test products. It is always a surprise, so the supplement companies don’t know. Larry would have been very happy and proud knowing that the pill he was telling everyone about for the last three years performed just like Larry thought it would - thanks to our one-of-a-kind Beta Sitosterol from the Landes Forrest in France. Larry was right again!